Integrated Publishing Services

About us
Daruso Consulting
integrated publishing services
Daruso Consulting is a young independent consulting firm active in the field of publishing books for kids. The company provides technical and strategic consulting regarding market entry and maintaining or increasing the market share in the kids book market in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Compared to licensing the book rights to traditional publishers located abroad, Daruso Consulting offers a client-specific integrated managed services solution. Our solution will not only allow you to sell your books in the Czech and Slovak Republics directly, through local distributors, but it also provides the client with almost full control of the process. The increase in client's profit margin is an obvious logical consequence of our solution.
As your iMSP ( integrated managed services provider), Daruso Consulting can offer you the skill sets and depth of resources to fulfil your needs and desires. At the end of the day we will be acting as a local publisher, which is an extension of your company.
Who are the partners ?
Book publishers that are intending to enter the kids book market in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and at the same time :
willing to keep control
want to build a strong local presence and brand
seeking a trusted and committed local service provider, which will be dedicated to your business and considering your success as their own
... and why they want to choose us ?
we provide the client with all expertise under one umbrella
we will be Single Point Of Contact ( SPOC) to all partners in the Czech in Slovak republics
the client doesn't need to hire additional staff in the country
the client doesn't need to establish a local office in the country
Our commission structure
"Price is What You Pay. Value is What You Get" --- Warren Buffet ---
Daruso Consulting is using "Base + Commission" commission structure
our "Base" fee is paid monthly. It's an agreed fixed amount.
"Commission" fee is paid after payments on the sales have been received by the client from the distributor (concluded sale). Commission fee is percentage based on sales from "Monthly sales report"
If you would like to know more, please let us know and we will be more than happy to listen to your plans.
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